Service Ethos
Why I do this work
To help all people and organizations Re(de)fine Wealth and Wellness to facilitate more joy and justice.
As an American who was a serious economics nerd in high school and college, I have a deep interest in the use and impact of money.
I have seen first-hand the joys and struggles of acquiring and maintaining wealth and wellness. I believe the interconnection of wealth and wellness needs more attention across the globe.
I am here to advance the conversation.
How I contribute to the cause
Enabling people to seek, accept, and achieve the EXCEPTIONAL by serving as a facilitator of clarity and transformation.
I like to call myself a ridiculously pragmatic optimist. I believe in creating clarity and illuminating choices.
I understand probability, AND
I believe in possibility.
I am analytical, AND
I am intuitive.
I understand the numbers, AND
I believe that sometimes the data obscures the Truth.
Sometimes folks just need a little extra light to shine on a possibility. Perhaps it was hiding in the shadows or just presented as an unlikely exception. Maybe that possibility was deliberately kept buried for some reason, by someone, or due to some system.
I created Forest Moonlight as a way to help illuminate the path forward.
My business allows me to be in Restorative Reciprocity with my clients and customers, facilitating our collective journey toward clarity and transformation.
My Principles
Be Well, Do Well, Do More Good
Be Well
Restore and protect the #1 asset.
In order to sustainably and joyfully live on this planet, our PERSONHOOD must take its rightful place back at the top of the priority list.
Do Well
Making money is important to survival, and building financial wealth allows us to move from scarcity to sufficiency to abundance. It is is critically important to understand whose definitions we are using, and to continuously refine these definitions for ourselves utilizing both data and intuition.
Do More Good
When we are able to achieve abundance in our lives, in our communities, and in our organizations there are more energy and resources to share with the people, organizations, and causes we care most about - our own selves included (see Be Well above).